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Writ Writer

Writ Writer

A national broadcast on public television

writwriter2WRIT WRITER airs Tuesday, June 3rd on PBS stations nationwide.

The Kites team is thrilled to partner with Susanne Mason the producer of the new documentary WRIT WRITER, in order to announce the broadcast premier of this important documentary.

tells the story of Fred Cruz, an ordinary Texas prison inmate who became an extraordinary leader of the prisoners’ rights
movement in the

During the 1940s and 50's,
grew up in a drug-saturated, racially-segregated San Antonio, Texas. At 21, he found
himself without the funds to hire a lawyer. Cruz began studying law in hopes of appealing his conviction.

WRIT WRITER shows us how Cruz’s
self-guided studies inspired him to work toward establishing prisoners’ human rights. Law became his passion, and his writs of habeas corpus –submitted to the courts on behalf of a other of prisoners– infuriated prison officials, who punished him repeatedly.

Cruz sought help beyond the prison walls from the memorable “lady”
lawyer Frances Jalet, and others, prison officials learned that
they had met their match.

The Kites team encourages you to tune in to WRIT WRITER and use the broadcast as an opportunity to support your local organizing work. Learn how. (link to simple discussion guide)

V iew the trailer for Writ Writer.



  • Broadcast premiere Tuesday, June 3, 2008 on PBS

    (Check broadcast listings)
  • Use the WRIT WRITER broadcast as an opportunity to organize an event to support your local grassroots organizing effort. 


Learn more about WRIT WRITER at the ITVS website.

Check local listings for WRIT WRITER.

Visit the offical homepage for WRIT WRITER.

Learn how to get involved with Thousand Kites.

WRITER is a co-production of Passage Productions and the Independent
Television Service (ITVS), in association with Latino Public
Broadcasting, with funding provided by the Corporation for Public
Broadcasting (CPB)