February 27, 2009 | Duke University
States of Captivity Conference
UP THE RIDGE filmmaker Nick Szuberla will screen the film and hold a discussion at the States of Captivity: Incarceration, Rendition, and Detention Conference at Duke University.
The Duke University Cultural Anthropology Department and the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Anthropology have
collaborated in planning this conference, which invites participants to
reflect on the overlaps among the prison, military, and immigration
industries in North Carolina and elsewhere. It is becoming harder to
ignore the social crises caused by logics and practices of
containment. Incarceration rates in the U.S. have grown since the
1980s, while prisons have become increasingly industrialized and
central to economies at every scale. The intensification and
militarization of border security is accompanied by a proliferation of
government, contracted, and vigilante police forces that seek to
capture, detain, and deport undocumented people. Finally, the
outsourcing of detention centers to far-flung corners of the globe and
the uncharted itineraries of “ghost planes” that carry out
extraordinary rendition have made raising awareness of detainee abuse
and torture exceedingly difficult. This conference
seeks engagement with perspectives from scholarship and praxis, in
order to contest and connect practices of incarceration, rendition, and
detention today.
Film Screening and Discussion Info:
Friday, February 27, 2009: Richard White Lecture Hall, Auditorium (Room 107)
Duke University, East Campus
Screening 6-7pm
Discussion 7-7:30pm
For more information on this event, please visit the conference website.