The Thousand Kites Team will present two workshop studios at the AlternateROOTS annual meeting in North Carolina.
Aug. 7, 2008, Arden, NC | Thousand Kites at AlternateROOTS
June 6, 2008: Minneapolis, MN | National Conference for Media Reform
Thousand Kites Team member Amelia Kirby will serve as a panelist at the National Conference for Media Reform.
Aug. 13, 2008, Whitesburg, KY | Incarcerated Women’s Writing
Thousand Kites will host a reading of original monologues written by women incarcerated at Wheelwright, Kentucky's Otter Creek Correctional Facility.
June 10, 2008, Denver, CO | National Performing Arts Convention
The Thousand Kites Team will attend the National Performing Arts Convention in Denver, Colorado.
July 16, 2008, Whitesburg, KY | Hip Hop Performance and Cultural Exchange
The ReadNex Poetry Squad will visit visit Whitesburg to perform and create with the Thousand Kites team.
May 30, 2008, Philadelphia, PA | Thousand Kites Theatre
The Thousand Kites play will be performed at American Friends Service Committee's national STOPMAX conference in Philadelphia.
May 31, 2008, Philadelphia, PA | Film Screening
Thousand Kites will present the documentary film Up The Ridge at American Friends Service Committee's national STOPMAX conference in Philadelphia.
May 08, 2008, Louisville, KY | Film Screening
Thousand Kites documentary Up The Ridge will premier in Louisville at the Braden Center.
Apr. 18, 2008, Philadelphia, PA | Thousand Kites Theatre
The Thousand Kites team will begin rehearsing the Kites play in Philadelphia.
Mar. 25, 2008, New York, NY | Up the Ridge Film Screening
Maysles Film Institute will be presenting Up the Ridge at the Maysles Cinema in New York City on Tuesday, March 25th at 7:30 p.m.