Call StoryLine
Sharing your story is the first step to using Kites. Tell us how the criminal justice system has impacted you. Maybe you have been incarcerated or have a loved one who has been incarcerated. Maybe you work inside a prison. Maybe you're just concerned about the growing prison population in the United States. What do you want the public to know about your experience?
Listen to some recent calls into our StoryLine.
Check out our StoryLine page to hear stories and comment on them. Once you've recorded your message, look to the page to find your call!
The Kites team is going to collect 1000 stories from across the country and then launch those stories into the public in a big way! The collected stories will be released in a national radio broadcast,
shared with prisoners, played at public performances, mailed to
politicians, used in classrooms, and offered here on our website for
you to use. It starts with your phone
Call our toll-free line, open 24/7, and record your story on our
answering machine. We will edit it, so don’t worry if you make a
mistake. Listen to call here.
You can record your call toll-free at 877-518-0606
Download the Facilitation Guide to learn more about StoryLine and the other Kites tools. Click on the image below to download.