Home Page » Events » August 11-16, 2009 | Alternate ROOTS

August 11-16, 2009 | Alternate ROOTS

Alternate ROOTS

Annual Meeting in Arden, NC

Alternate ROOTS held its 33rd Annual Meeting: Rebirth of a Nation: Using Art to Navigate the Intersection of Oppressions from August 11-16, 2009.

roots 09ROOTS writes, "As a phoenix rising from the ashes, America is entering a time of new
opportunities for growth, change, and awareness, a re-birthing. These
same opportunities parallel Alternate ROOTS' strategic planning year,
as we evaluate and build a stronger foundation for Alternate ROOTS'
future.  With change looming ahead we cannot forget our purpose, and
understand that we have miles to travel in the work to end all forms of
oppression. How can ROOTS re-define its use of art to navigate that
intersection? What will it take to activate the collective
consciousness of the future?"

The Thousand Kites Team presented on a panel "Sharing Your Message, Building a Movement." Moderated by Caron Atlas of Arts and Democracy, the panel consisted of Naomi Jackson from the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, Linda Paris-Bailey from Carpetbag Theatre Company, Amalia Anderson from the Main Street Project, and Nick Szuberla from Kites. They discussed how 
art and social justice practitioners are utilizing innovative
technologies to explore new forms of production, communication, 
outreach, community building and organizing. They spoke about digital
storytelling, digital mapping of neighborhoods, and story-gathering
using new media tools.

See a full listing of Thousand Kites events